Top Wine Influencers of 2020 on Instagram in USA

28/12/2020 Follow these influencers to stay updated with the latest wine trends, new releases, virtual trip to wine regions and much more.

(Image credit: The Wine Siren)

According to Klout, influence is the ability to bring the action. When you share anything on social media and people respond that is an influence. So higher the Klout Score, the more influential you are.

There have been many “Most Influential People” lists that have circulated on the internet over the last few months. So we decided to fetch the list of the most influential wine bloggers as per Klout Score.

Here is the list of the best wine influencers in the USA.

Kelly Mitchell ( @kellymitchell )

Kelly Mitchell residing in Napa Valley has a website named The Wine  she relishes a good bottle of wine and has become indiscriminate about the grape but more intrigued by the quality of the nectar. She explores scores of wine varieties travelling across the globe.

:34.7k    :78.9k

Amy Lieberfarb ( @amylieberfarb )

Amy Lieberfarb is among California Wine Country’s most enthusiastic and engaging personalities. With an audience of followers numbering in the hundreds of thousands, she is able to reach consumers via her blogs and social networks that most people can’t. Amy knows how to create buzz around a brand.

:21.3k  : 120.4k

Jessica Altieri ( @winechanneltv )

CEO and Sommelier Jessica Altieri created Wine Channel TV in 2009. Jessica Altieri is an award-winning sommelier, a wine lover, certified water sommelier, wine professional, wine judge, wine expert, and digital media executive who promotes wine brands and wine lifestyle brands.

:67.7k :50.5k

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Joey Casco ( @thewinestalker )

Joey Casco has a website on which he writes contents like educational long reads, smaller posts, original memes, recipes & a lot of wine reviews. Except for blogging Joey also loves teaching people about wine. One day he wishes to be a wine educator. 

:23.4k :17k

Jon Thorsen ( @reversewinesnob )

Jon Thorsen has a  website has grown into one the most popular wine sites on the Internet with a massive social media following. The website is ranked fifth on the list of most influential sites in the entire wine industry and Jon Thorsen is ranked as a top five social media influencer. He lives in Shakopee, Minnesota.

 :18.9k  :231.3k

Eric Asimov ( @ericasimov )

Eric Asimov is an American wine critic and food critic for The New York Times.He was born in Bethpage, New York Eric Asimov is the chief wine critic of The New York Times, a position he assumed in June 2004 after having covered wine with The Times's tasting panel and in his Tastings column for the Dining section.

:30.3k  :81.6k

Cathrine Todd ( @damewine )

 Cathrine Todd is the founder and sole contributor of the wine blog Dame Wine which has been nominated for various awards: Louis Roederer International Wine Writers’ Awards, Wine Blog Awards and Born Digital Wine Awards.

:33.2k  :22.3k


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Madeline Puckette ( @madelinepuck )

Madeline Puckette is a sommelier and visual designer whose infographics have garnered an enthusiastic following from wine beginner to wine expert. She has a website named Wine Folly. Her work has been applied in organizations, including The Court of Master Sommeliers and the Guild of Sommeliers to help wine professionals learn.

:18.5k  :4543

Luiz Alberto ( @TheWineHub )

Luiz Alberto is a Boston based blogger & the founder of the editorial Wine Hub. He judges international wine competitions and uses social media to share his passion for wine. The Wine Hub features various content related to Wine & Food, Wine Tasting, etc. It also has various blogs related to wines.


Alder Yarrow ( @vinography )

Alder Yarrow is a California based US wine & restaurant blogger. His wine blog Vinography is one of the highly famous websites. It has various content which features Wine Reviews, Restaurant reviews, Book reviews, Wine news, images, etc. He is considered one of the top 20 influencers on social media.

:4534  :29.8k

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