Promote Your Win

Promote Your Win

Congratulations on your win at the USA Wine Ratings - USA's leading wine competition that rates by quality value and Package. Now its time to showcase your success and boost sales.

Winning the USA Wine Rating award clearly demonstrates the trade how well the wine will be perceived in the market and will give the trade a very good indicator to stock that wine. It will also allow the trade to hand-sell the wine to its end consumer with the confidence as the wine was judged on the merits of value, package, and quality.

1. Make sure your bottles and marketing stand out with UWR bottle stickers. Get your UWR bottle stickers here.

2. Sign up for the participating events where UWR will promote the winning brands.

3. Use our Press Templates to create your own press release. Send it to your distributors, importers, retailers, and end consumers.

4. Share your win on social media with below hashtags to get RT from us and our partners.

#USAWineRatings #UWR2024 #USAWineRatings2024 @usaratings

5. Show off at Tastings. Show the on-trade you mean business at generic tastings by displaying the easily recognizable logo prominently.

6. Tell the World. Obvious but it works, do a blog post listing your successes, a news release for your regular clients and suggest your generic body does the same. Include the results in your customer newsletters, place the news prominently on your website. Send us your press release and we will send it to our media partners and also post it on BTN and BevRoute.