Taste the “Superfuit” of the South

15/02/2021 Being the largest muscadine vineyard in the world definitely doesn’t stop them from also being one of the best.

Let’s go back to 1970 to know the beginning of the story of Paulk Vineyards. It was the year the first muscadine crops were planted at the winery. From then to today, the Paulk family has planted over 600 hectares of muscadine plants along with scuppernongs. There have been six generations of Paulks who have tended to the lands, handled the grapes with care, and established a business that now makes products like jellies, juices, supplements, and wines. Wines that have won accolades for their taste, quality, and packaging.

Over the years, the hands that sowed the seeds and the ones that made the wine have changed, but the dedication and the love for muscadines have stayed the same. From using traditional tools to bringing in modern technology, the process has undergone a few tweaks. They have always stayed true to quality and that has resulted in Paulk Vineyards being recognized as a powerhouse muscadine winemaking family. The wines make for a great celebration of the grapes and can be enjoyed thoroughly by enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.

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Grow your wines in the off-premise channels of the USA. The international submission deadline is May 31, 2025, and the domestic submission deadline is June 30, 2025. Here is how to enter.