USAWR Bottle Sticker Aside Text

USAWR Bottle Sticker Aside Text

Stand out from the crowd with USAWR Medal Sticker

  • Each sticker roll is of 1,000 stickers (Gold, Silver & Bronze) and 5,000 (special categories)
  • Get further 15% discount for 11-20 rolls. Get further 25% discount for 21 and above rolls.
  • $10 worldwide delivery fee
  • Production lead time of two weeks
  • For orders over 100,000 stickers (100 rolls), please e-mail Aakash Brahmbhatt or call +1 855 481 1112 for special rates.

*Please Note: USA Wine Ratings bottle stickers are subject to copyright, therefore you may not produce your own stickers. USA Wine Ratings is a registered trademark.